Inside the Life of the First Woman Master Plumber
Monday, March 8th 2021, 5:55 AM

Plumbers in Malverne, NY Share Lesser-Known Facts About Women in Plumbing

Malverne, United States - March 5, 2021 / Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating /

Lillian Baumbach: The Pretty Plumber

The early days of plumbing also marked a time when a vast majority of women didn’t work. They stayed home and took care of the house and kids while their husbands worked. That is until Lillian Baumbach came along. She was a little girl when indoor plumbing was becoming more and more popular for the common family. Her father owned a plumbing company, where she spent most of her time as a kid. 

Lillian was a powerful example for women and girls everywhere and continues to be today. However, her story isn’t as widely known as it used to be. Continue reading to learn more about Lillian and her story. 

Becoming the First Female Master Plumber

Most of Lillian Baumbach’s childhood was spent at her father’s plumbing company. Some might say she was there because she had to be, but Lillian most likely would have chosen to be there regardless. She quickly found a passion for plumbing and found herself swept away in learning all she could about the industry. 

plumbing woman

It didn’t take long for her to decide that she wanted to get a journeyman plumber. Once she achieved that goal, she decided to become a master plumber. Baumbach easily passed the test and became the first female master plumber in history. 

She lived in a small town, and her local paper wrote a story on her achievement. It didn’t take long for the story to become a national sensation, which led to her becoming an idol to girls and women everywhere. 

Baumbach had many accomplishments in her life, some in the plumbing industry and some outside of it. Still, in the end, she returned home to take over the family business and keep her father’s name alive. 

Plumbing Isn’t All She Did letters

Lillian Baumbach was the definition of multi-faceted. She had many careers throughout her life, but they were also in very different industries. Regardless of what she pursued, she seemingly excelled at. Some of her other accomplishments include:

  • Appeared in a few tv shows, including “What’s My Line?”
  • Interviewed by Walter Cronkite
  • Wrote informative books on plumbing
  • Pin-up girl and penpal for soldiers

When Lillian Baumbach became a pin-up girl and penpal for the Korean War soldiers, she was dubbed “The Pretty Plumber.” Still, regardless of where her pursuits took her, she never forgot where she came from. 

Her Legacy 

Today, the plumbing industry looks a lot different than it did back then. The business world is more accepting of women in the workplace. Not only that, but it’s more common to see women plumbers today than ever before. The number of women-owned plumbing businesses is on the rise as well. 

Lillian Baumbach changed the plumbing industry forever. Without her innovative contributions to the industry and her passion for plumbing, the world wouldn’t have seen as many advancements in plumbing technology as it did. She and women like her have proved to the world just how powerful women are. 

Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating Is There To Help

There is no need to worry about plumbing emergencies when Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating is around. They work hard to keep the homeowners of Malverne, NY happy and safe all year round. They have been in the industry long enough to know trustworthy plumbers are hard to come by. That’s why they always try their best to keep their customers satisfied. Call today to schedule plumbing services!

Contact Information:

Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating

Malverne, NY 11565
United States

Elizabeth Krull

Original Source:

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Charles Krull & Son, Inc. is a fifth generation family owned and operated plumbing and heating business. With 110 years in the plumbing and heating industries, we are a leader in delivering plumbing, heating and drain clearing services.


Elizabeth Krull
Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating

Malverne, NY, 11565, United States



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